RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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painting the hull of a Status 580
I have just bought a Status 580 that needs a good scrub and a paint job. Can I pull the boat off the trailer onto a grassy area and roll it upside down to clean and paint the hull without damaging the topsides? Ideas and suggestions welcomed. Kev
Kevin O'Neill3-Jan-2019    Edit    Delete 
Re: painting the hull of a Status 580
Hi Kevin
Yes and No, Yes you roll it over on grass quite easily, but I would let the raised cabin touch the round, the RL can be supported by sawhorses, so a Status would be no worries. Ive also heard but not tried rolling over on small square bales of hay, which are fairly readily available no matter where you are...
Matt30-Jan-2019    Edit    Delete 

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