RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

RL Yacht Owner's Discussion Forum

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Replying to:RL24 Outboard well through hull opening
I have an RL24 mk III and I am a big fan of the standard outboard well. However, I am contemplating adapting the hull opening to allow the outboard to tilt up clear of the hull. Why? I have a driveway that doesn't allow clearance for the outboard gearbox to be protruding below the hull and I like to anchor stern to the beach in shallow water so my family find it easy to hope on and off the boat. Does anybody have any suggestions, experiences or photos of modifications they have made to their RL24? I don't want to change a boat I am very happy with unless I am certain that the change is more functional, aesthetically pleasing and doesn't impede performance (she is used as a cruising boat).