RL24, RL28, and RL34 Trailable Yachts
from Rob Legg Yachts

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Looking for lock and clasp for front hatch on RL24MkIV
Hi, I've had no luck finding a suitable replacement catch for the front hatch. All the ones tried at various chandelrys seem to work the wrong way. Any suggestions please as to where the original one comes from. I actually only need the bit that is attached to the cabin top. The other part that is on the hatch is still there.
Colin Skinner16-Apr-2008    Edit    Delete 
Re: Looking for lock and clasp for front hatch on RL24MkIV
Take a photo and post it on this site so we know what to look for. It will also give options for a plan B if the bit is no longer available (quite likely).
I'm guessing it locks from the inside. We have a very simple system, a pice of rope from the hatch to a clam cleat on the mast post. It works, so it hadn't ocurred to me to look for something more sophisticated.

Mike16-Apr-2008    Edit    Delete 

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